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  • Class-action lawsuit launched over pet food

    Class-action lawsuit launched over pet food

    Class Action News 03/23/2007

    [##_1L|1059290477.jpg|width="140" height="101" alt=""|_##]Jacqueline Johnson of Madison, Wisconsin filed a lawsuit Tuesday claiming that Menu Foods, Inc. produced and distributed dangerous pet food. More than 95 pet owners have joined a class-action ...

  • FDA confirms salmonella came from peanut butter

    FDA confirms salmonella came from peanut butter

    Class Action News 02/24/2007

    [##_1L|1036352394.jpg|width="140" height="140" alt=""|_##]An outbreak of salmonella food poisoning that has sickened 329 people and sent 51 of them to the hospital was definitely caused by contaminated Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter, the U.S...

Business News

St Peters, MO Professional License Attorney Attorney John Lynch has been the go-to choice for many professionals facing administrative sanction. >> read