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Paulson, Bernanke: No recession in '08
Legal News Feed 02/14/2008Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson both acknowledged problems in the U.S. economy Thursday, but both said they believe the nation will avoid falling into recession.However, the two added at a hearing before the ...
Lawmakers Fault FEMA on Trailers
Legal News Feed 01/29/2008Democratic leaders of a House science subcommittee alleged yesterday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency manipulated scientific research into the potential danger posed by a toxic gas emitted in trailers still housing tens of thousands of su...
Ex-Ill. Gov Appeals to US Supreme Court
Legal News Feed 01/24/2008Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to reverse his racketeering and fraud conviction, claiming he did not receive a fair trial.Ryan's lawyers said in a petition to the court that the trial judge replaced two jur...
Elections don't do justice to state's Circuit Court judges
Legal News Feed 01/13/2008The great Federalists from Virginia and New York, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, didn't agree with the anti-Federalist views of Maryland's Jeremiah Chase on the organization of American government. However they all saw eye-to-eye on one matter...
Ga. Court Examines Banishment Policy
Legal News Feed 01/08/2008An unusual question is before the Georgia Supreme Court: Should banishment of criminals be banned?Though Georgia's judges are technically outlawed from banishing offenders, some have skirted the rule by restricting them from all but one of the state'...
Supreme Court Justice Bill Clinton?
Legal News Feed 01/03/2008It is a title that would be sure to bring either fear or cheer to many Americans, depending on your political leanings: Supreme Court Justice Bill Clinton.That provocative possibility has long been whispered in legal and political circles ever since ...
Court Bars Detainee Transfer to Algeria
Legal News Feed 01/01/2008A federal appeals court Monday blocked the Bush administration from transferring a detainee at Guantanamo Bay to Algeria, where the prisoner says his life would be in danger from the government and al-Qaida.The appeals court is stopping any transfer ...
DOJ: No comment on forcing encryption passphrases
Legal News Feed 12/19/2007[##_1L|1158682406.jpg|width="150" height="153" alt=""|_##]The U.S. Department of Justice won't say when it believes an American citizen should be forced to divulge his or her PGP passphrase. We've been trying for the last two days to get the DOJ to a...
Bush administration: Back off CIA tape probe
Legal News Feed 12/15/2007The controversy over destroyed CIA interrogation tapes is shaping up as a turf battle involving the courts, Congress and the White House, with the Bush administration telling its constitutional coequals to stay out of the investigation.The Justice De...
McDermott disappointed at Supreme Court rejection
Legal News Feed 12/04/2007U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott says he's disappointed the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to consider his appeal.He says he believes he had a First Amendment free speech case.Today's decision leaves a federal appeals court ruling in place. The court said th...
Congress, Courts Examine 'State Secrets'
Legal News Feed 11/26/2007In federal courts and on Capitol Hill, challenges are brewing to a key legal strategy President Bush is using to protect a secret surveillance program that monitors phone calls and e-mails inside the United States.Under grilling from lawmakers and at...
Ex-Gov. Ryan of Illinois Reports to Prison
Legal News Feed 11/07/2007[##_1L|1094216660.jpg|width="120" height="84" alt=""|_##]Former Gov. George Ryan, who drew international attention for halting the death penalty in this state, reported to a federal prison in Wisconsin on Wednesday to begin his six-and-a-half-year se...